Saturday, July 12, 2008

Part V

Fuschia froze. She knew that voice. But it wasn't quite right. There was something different about it. Something more...deadly.
"Selena." It was the blond haired girl, the one who was constantly hyper and talked at super speed. But it wasn't the same person as before. Her blue eyes were now bright yellow and slitted, the dangerous eyes of the creatures.
"You seemed so pleased to meet me. Don't you remember your good friend Selena?" She laughed, tossing her head up, golden hair shaking behind her. Fuschia shuddered. It was no longer the Selena they once knew. This...thing had Selena's appearance, but it had some slight...differences. Instead of ocean blue eyes, there were glowing yellow eyes, and the human teeth were now pointed and deadly sharp. And, Fuschia noted, the hands had turned clawed as well.
Christy had not said anything yet, only looked at Sele -no,- it in shock. Fuschia felt as if her heart has stopped, but she didn't let that stop her from talking and moving.
"You aren't Selena." She kept her voice cold and unfeeling, her expression emotionless.
"Oh I am. But I was always different inside. You believed that was a human survivor. Well I'm not. I'm here to help my people feed." It smiled amiably at Fuschia as if nothing was wrong, as if they were just two normal humans having a pleasant conversation.
"Your people!" Fuschia spat, clenching her hands into fists. Her face twisted into an expression of pure rage.
"Yes, my people. They're hungry. So I'm doing what every good leader does. I'm feeding them." The creature that had been called Selena began to walk down the stairs, forcing Fuschia and Christy further into the -for lack of better words- cellar.
"And I'm guessing you're Big JJ?" Fuschia glared at it as she backed up.
"That's one name for me. But you can call me Selena."
"Over my dead body." Feeling she didn't put enough emphasis on her reply, she took a moment to hold up her middle finger to the creature. It ignored it and continued to walk forward.
The others did not attack, giving Fuschia and Christy space around them as they continued to move backwards.
"Unfortunately, you know my little secret now. So I'm going to have to kill you." It gave a dramatic sigh. "We could have been friends." It shook it's head, showing mock sadness.
Then it's whole body began to change. Its face turned into the shape of a reptilian wolf with a mane of golden tentacles. The main body turned sickly green with dark green stripes. It dropped to all fours and began to get bigger; its teeth lengthened and its claws grew longer. The clothes burst into shreds as its body grew too big to fit.
When the transformation was done, it looked like a scaled wolf with a green zebra pattern and a head of golden tendrils. Its head rested easily at the height of Christy's head, and Christy was taller than Fuschia by at least a half a foot. Had it stood on its hind legs, it could have been at least 20, even 30 feet tall.
"Prepare to die!" screeched the creature that had been Selena. It flicked it's tail lazily towards the general direction of the two girls, and the creatures surrounding them began to circle and leap at them. Fuschia shrieked, once, twice, three times. But it didn't work; not anymore.
"That used to work, but I made sure that they became immune to that. It took much longer than I would have liked, but it worked out in the end." said the wolf-like creature in the girly voice that wasn't quite Selena's. Fuschia didn't look up to find the source of the voice as she carefully watched the circling creatures.
Standing back to back, the girls turned in slowly so they could see all around them. As soon as a creature moved forward into Christy's range, she slashed at it with her whip. If it made it past her attacks, Fuschia killed it with her katana once it came into her range. Occasionally, she would shoot out a kunai or shurriken at an unexpecting beast. They managed to kill 20 or more of them in this manner before they began to tire. Their breath came in ragged gasps and their limbs felt like lead. Fuschia had a cut on her leg from an unexpected attack and Christy had a jagged wound down her left side. Besides those wounds, they had several minor injuries.
And still they came. There were at least 30 more and there were reinforcements pouring in from the orange portal every second.
Desperately, Christy shot her dagger at the portal and it hit the metal ring, causing the orange portal to disappear. A creature in the middle of coming through screeched in pain, half of it where it had come from and half of it in the cellar. It soon died.
The rest of the creatures gave screams of anger, the creature who used to be Selena emitting the loudest shriek of fury.
They pushed in, their slitted eyes filled with rage. Christy stumbled over a scaly tail as she struggled to defend herself, and a large lion-like creature pinned her her down with one giant paw. Fuschia found her arms trapped by a large clawed hand, and looking into the jaws of a dragon-like mouth, she feared that it was the end. They both closed their eyes, preparing to die.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light that turned their visions red behind their closed eyes. They didn't see, but the destroyed portal had somehow exploded to create the intense light. The creatures screeched in agony as the blinding light burned them into ashes.
The last thing that Fuschia remembered was the screams of agony that sounded too much like Selena before she floated away into unconciousness.


_-*Kristen*-_ said...

The way that you paint the monsters in this story is incredible. I can really see them when youre describing them.

Nasaiya Inamae said...

Thanks! It was hard coming up for descriptions that I had in my head... But I'm glad that it seems to be working! ^_^