Saturday, July 12, 2008

Part I

Fuschia stood, looking at her parents dead bodies. And then she looked up, cautiously looking at the monster that had killed her beloved parents. There would be time to cry later, but first, she had to take care of herself.
It hadn't been like this before. It had all started when the crazy old geezer had died. His last words, gasped out in the middle of the street, were "They're coming! And there's nothing anyone can do about it..."
Nobody believed him at first, for he was known for making strange claims of alien invasions and the world blowing up. No one really knew him except for himself. He had never had a wife or children and kept to himself. People saw him carrying hunks of scrap metal and spare parts, but paid no attention. The flashes of light and explosions coming from his house were worrying to some, but most people chose to ignore it and go on with their life.
They just thought he was insane and left him alone.
A week or so after his death, strange creatures began to pour out of his house, ripping their victims to pieces and devouring them. The adults panicked, keeping their children inside and only going out to buy food. Fuschia had been slightly glad about the attacks at first, for it meant that she didn't need to go to school anymore. She hated school and chose to play hooky. Her parents scolded her, but that did nothing to stop her from leaving school. What they didn't know was that she left school to train herself.
She had found a retired martial arts teacher when she was 11, and she used the time that would have been spent at school learning how to kick, punch, block, and eventually even got to weapons. She was best with bladed weapons, but she wasn't too shabby with other weapons. Her sensei had told her that she was worthy of a black-belt and had surpassed him right before he was killed by a reptilian creature before her eyes. Shaking, her hands covering her face, she cowered in a corner as the monster made its way towards her. She had screamed, and the monster's head burst apart, showering her with blood. Her stomach churned and she threw up several times as the metallic scent of blood overwhelmed her. There she had stayed until the police found her. After that, her parents forced her to stay in her room and she was not allowed out of there except for the bathroom and meals.
It didn't matter to her. In the beginning, she was unresponsive to anyone, acting like a zombie. Slowly, she got over the trauma and began to train herself inside her room (never forgetting her sensei's death), though it was slightly cramped. To make more space, she dumped all the things she didn't need outside the door of her room. Her parents had been confused, but they didn't say anything. All she kept was her bed, her desk, her lamp, some assorted paper and the weapons her sensei had given to her. The weapons were kept secret from her parents at first, but when the attacks got worse, she showed her parents, who tried to confiscate them from her. She had fought the weapons from them, overpowering them quickly and taking shelter in her room. It had been good that she had a lock on her door.
As the days past, the number of creatures grew larger and larger. Not only did they feed often, they bred faster than you can say 'shit' and bred in a variety of ways. Eggs and parasitic young were common, but there were other ways for reproduction. And the smaller creatures had a nasty tendency to possess humans. Any lack of caution, however small it might be, usually resulted in a slow painful death. Although sometimes, you were lucky and got a painful, but quicker death.
After the first couple of months, there had been sirens almost constantly. During that time, her parents had stopped going out to get food and ate sparingly, saving up their food. But during the fourth month, they stopped. And then there were the sounds of buildings breaking and the screams of dying people. Her parents had taken a great risk in getting them to the storm cellar, for they had gone out several times to stock up on food, but they made it there without being attacked.
After two months in the storm cellar, her parents had decided that they needed somewhere else to hide. They were running out of food, and they knew that if they were to go out to find food, they reveal their position. Taking a great risk, they not only got food, but they found a new location and stored their belongings there. Unfortunately, they had been found on their way back, but they didn't know. Shortly after they closed the doors to the storm cellar, the creature had smashed its way through the door and ripped her parents' bodies into shreds. It was the same species as the one that had killed her sensei, and she was filled with an incredibly strong feeling of hate and anger. She wanted revenge, and even if it was only one of many, it would make her feel better. Still, she was afraid that she would be killed, for almost all of her weapons were at the other shelter and she only had her kunai (a bit like a dagger but not quite) in her weapon pouch.
It opened its great jaws, displaying rows of sharp teeth. She kept her eyes on it as slowly moved towards her. Her kunai found its way into her hand, but she knew it would be futile to just slash at it. Its teeth were much more dangerous than her little kunai.
"I-if you do-don't go aw-wa-way, I-I'll scream." she stuttered, not exactly knowing why she was even talking to it in the first place. But she did know that her scream would cause its head to blow up if she screamed long enough. Or at least, she hoped so.
Her parents hadn't believed her when she told them. After the creature that had killed her sensei had blown up, she had deduced that they couldn't handle the high-pitched noise. But her parents thought that she was just being silly and tried to convince her that she was not thinking straight. And now they were dead.
The monster looked confused for a moment, and then began to laugh. She stared at it in shock as it laughed, the sounds coming from its throat grating at her senses. It was a strange sound coming from a creature that looked like it did.
The body was something like a raptor, one of those small but vicious dinosaurs. It had long dangerous claws on all four feet, though the two that touched the ground had slightly larger claws. Its head, however, was not a dinosaur-like head, looking more like the head of the black Spiderman from Spiderman 3 but with narrow eyes. The slitted yellow eyes reminded her of a cat's eyes, but there was something about them that was more...deadly and intelligent.
"What did you say, girl?" She couldn't breathe for a moment. It had talked back to her!
"I-I said that I-I'll scream."
"And what could you possibly do with a mere, pitiful scream." It was teasing her, goading her to try. Then it took a casual bite of her one of her parent's bodies. The scent of blood became stronger in the air. She gave herself a moment to stop the shaking in her body before opening her mouth.
The monster writhed in agony as her high-pitched shriek penetrated the air.
"No. No. NO!!!!" It was half sobbing now, clutching its scaly head with clawed feet. She stopped, and waited for the creature to settle down.
"If you try to eat me, I will scream again. Now go away." It quickly turned on it's scaled heels and ran away. As it left, she could have sworn that it muttered, "Big JJ is coming. Then we can all feed all we want without any worries." If anyone was to be worried, it should have been the humans, not the creatures. She was a little confused at what it said, but she dismissed its words for nonsense and slumped down against the nearest wall.
Sobbing, her small frame shook as violent shudders ran through her spine. Why? Why did this all have to start?
She cried for a couple more moments before wiping away her tears and standing up shakily. Then, she began to look for something to scavenge to take to the new shelter that she had decided just now to go to.
"How can you cry so few tears? And don't you have any respect for the dead?" Her head snapped up and then she spotted the owner of the voice. A small girl, looking a bit like she had when she had first started taking martial arts, made her away across the room from the entrance of the storm cellar. Fuschia wondered how the blond haired girl had not been eaten by the fleeing monster, but she didn't make a sound.
As the girl came closer, Fuschia stepped back, not trusting her. She shrieked once, making sure there were no creatures controlling the girl. Seeing as there were no explosions of flesh and blood from the abdomen of the newcomer (for that was where the creatures normally stayed when controlling humans), Fuschia relaxed a little, allowing the girl to come within 5 feet of her.
"I do not waste my time crying for the dead when I could be using that time for other things. I cried at first, but after seeing my teacher and my family slaughtered before my eyes, I have stopped most of my tears. I would bury the bodies of my parents if I didn't know that they would be dug up again and eaten anyways." The girl stared at her as she left the storm cellar.
"Wait!" Fuschia stopped at the voice.
"What?!" she snapped, impatient and wanting to get to safety soon. She did not turn around to look at the blonde.
"Could I come with you? I'm so scared?" Now that she thought about it, the girl did look pretty scared; she had large, dark circles under her eyes and was shaking like a leaf last she saw.
"There are no guarantees to survival by traveling with me. Come if you must, but I will kill you if you become a danger to me." she finally said, letting her hand pass briefly over the kunai by her side. Then she began to make her way to the shelter.
The girl scamped after her, babbling excitedly.
"My name is Fuschia. Now Selena, I need you to do me a favor."
"Shut up." Fuschia gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to smack the girl named Selena.


Anonymous said...

What creepy dreams you! Great work so far btw. I love the babbling blonde, you really captured her childishness bystringingallthewordstogether!! Nice use of flashbacks too, it puts the reader in suspense then snaps them back into the story. I've only read part 1 so far, but I saved ur page on my blog. Oh, and I'm putting more DOQ chapters up (so you can see why they're running!) Bye!!

_-*Kristen*-_ said...

I would wake up in sweat if i even had one second of that dream. this is a total read for me, imma bookmark it and be back for sure!

Nasaiya Inamae said...

Yeah... My dreams have a tendency to be rather...frightening. This one of the worst, though I have had even more awful dreams.
I usually do wake up in a cold sweat after these kinds of dreams. This one I did. Naturally.

Finally, thanks for reading!!!! ^_^